Our Webinars

Epilepsy South Africa is proud to bring you regular monthly webinars covering a diverse range of topics relating to Epilepsy and People with Epilepsy. We invite you to join us as our invited Speakers share with you invaluable information and heartwarming personal stories.

For past Webinars, please visit our YouTube channel by clicking here.

Women with Epilepsy and Pregnancy 

Tuesday 29 October 2024 from 3pm – 4pm

We invite you to join an informative webinar on Women with epilepsy and pregnancy.

Join this dynamic discussion with our panel that includes neurologist Dr Vuyiswa Mandita, gynaecologist Prof Shastra Bhoora, along with Lucy Mokonyama and Sharlene Cassel, both mothers with epilepsy.

To register for this webinar, please click here:

This webinar is made possible with the support of Sanofi South Africa

#EpilepsySouthAfrica supports your journey to be included and accepted in society without discrimination as a #PersonwithEpilepsy